sleep disorders

we can help


Start your journey to a better nights sleep
Get Correctly Diagnosed
We are dedicated to the diagnosis, treatment & management of respiratory sleep disorders.
Find Support
Our team will help you begin your journey toward a better nights sleep; working to help you find relief.
We provide a variety of services to help patients find relief from various sleep disorders
Patient “At Home” Service
Employment Assessments
Newly Diagnosed
Existing CPAP Users
Why Choose Western Sleep Clinic?
Finding the right support is an important part in the journey to a better night's sleep. Here's why you should choose WSC.

Immediate Patient Bookings/Consultations
Get started fast, without delays - and find relief sooner than you would expect.
Premium-Level Consultancy
Get specialised - purpose / patient specific consultancy.
Rapid Reporting Reviews With Patients
Relieving Doctors Of This Complex Task.
Get Treated Fast
Our treatments commence promptly; for fast effective patient outcomes.
With You for the Journey
A specific "patient-centric" focus on treatment maintenance & compliance.
Ongoing Efficacy
Regularly scheduled patient review, to ensure ongoing treatment efficacy.
Service & Maintenance
Simultaneous scheduled equipment service And maintenance at no additional cost.